The Hyderabad Police found themselves compelled to employ lathi-charge tactics on Tuesday to disperse a crowd that had gathered at a restaurant in Malakpet, all seeking to obtain free servings of haleem. Haleem, a delectable stew infused with a medley of lentils, meat, wheat, and an array of spices, was being offered gratis by the restaurant’s management on the inaugural day of Ramadan, as reported by news agency ANI.
Despite the generous offer, the hotel management struggled to maintain control over the surging crowd, eventually necessitating police intervention to restore order. Footage shared by the news agency PTI depicted scores of individuals flocking to the ‘Aazebo’ restaurant in pursuit of complimentary haleem.
Malakpet Inspector U Srinivas disclosed to The Times of India that legal action would be taken against the restaurant’s management for impeding the smooth flow of traffic. “The hotel management neither informed the police in advance about the complimentary offering nor obtained any requisite permissions. Consequently, a case will be registered for obstructing the free movement of traffic,” he affirmed.
In other news, the holy Islamic month of Ramadan commenced on Tuesday, with the sighting of the Ramadan moon in various regions across the nation on Monday. A meeting of the Ruyat-e-Hilal Committee, presided over by Maulana Niaz Ahmed Farooqui, Secretary of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind, convened in Delhi to make the official announcement. “It has been confirmed that the moon has been sighted in several parts of the country,” their statement affirmed. Millions of Muslims worldwide eagerly anticipate the sighting of the crescent moon, heralding the advent of this sacred month.
Throughout Ramadan, Muslims observe fasts from dawn to dusk, preceded by the pre-dawn meal ‘sehri,’ and conclude their fasts at sunset with ‘iftar.’ The culmination of the month is celebrated with Eid, marking a joyous occasion for the community.