In a disturbing turn of events, an ominous SUV allegedly made a deliberate attempt to ram into the vehicle of Naraingarh’s sub-divisional magistrate, Yash Jaluka, during his routine patrol to survey the area for any illicit mining operations on Sunday. The SUV, in what appears to be a premeditated move, pursued Yash Jaluka’s car, making two menacing attempts to collide with it at considerable speed. Fortunately, the vigilant official managed to evade the collision narrowly, as reported by the news agency PTI, citing officials. It is suspected that the occupants of the SUV, believed to be associated with the illegal mining syndicate, hastily absconded from the scene. The harrowing incident transpired at 1 am on the intervening night of March 27 and 28, prompting the authorities to file a First Information Report (FIR) on the matter the following Saturday, as per police sources.
Recent times have witnessed two similar inspections and raids conducted to curb unlawful mining activities along the rivers of the Naraingarh region.
Acting on the complaint lodged by the SDM’s security personnel, the Naraingarh Police initiated legal proceedings on April 6 against the proprietor and driver of the suspicious SUV under various sections of the Indian Penal Code (IPC), encompassing charges of obstructing governmental duties and attempted murder, PTI further informed.
Yash Jaluka, aged 29, belongs to the 2021 batch of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers and presently serves as the SDM of Naraingarh in Ambala district.