Addressing an election rally in Kumarganj, Balurghat Lok Sabha seat, West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed concerns about her safety and accused the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of targeting her and Abhishek Adhikari. She urged everyone to remain vigilant against a conspiracy targeting Trinamool Congress (TMC) leaders and the people of West Bengal.
In response to Adhikari’s remarks, Banerjee referred to him as a traitor who joined the BJP to protect his family and ill-gotten wealth. She dismissed his threat about triggering a chocolate bomb explosion with contempt. Adhikari, a former TMC minister, switched sides to join the BJP before the 2021 state assembly elections.
Banerjee challenged Adhikari to come forward with truths and facts instead of spreading falsehoods. She emphasized that they are prepared to counter his narrative and conspiracy by exposing discrepancies in the PM Care Fund as well as debunking false promises such as crediting Rs 15 lakh into every citizen’s bank account.
Moreover, Banerjee accused the BJP of bringing outsiders into West Bengal to cause unrest. In another meeting held in Balurghat constituency belonging to BJP state president Sukanta Majumdar, she criticized him for not addressing issues such as non-payment of wages for 100 days’ work scheme for poor laborers or non-release of Awas Yojana funds by the Modi government. She alleged that BJP leaders had requested Delhi bosses not to provide funds for those in need.
Continuing her attack on the BJP government at large, Banerjee claimed that they have sold out the country and accused their MPs of neglecting Bengal’s interests. She highlighted how TMC MPs fought diligently within Parliament while alleging that BJP MPs stayed aloof from people’s problems. Furthermore, she criticized them for withholding payments under various schemes such as the 100 days’ work scheme. She urged the public not to vote for a party that deprives Bengal of funds and does not prioritize the welfare of its people.
Banerjee’s impassioned speeches reflect the intense political climate in West Bengal as she rallies support for TMC candidates ahead of upcoming elections.