In New Delhi, the Delhi High Court has directed the Tihar Jail authorities to grant Aaftab Amin Poonawala, the prime accused in the high-profile Shraddha Walker murder case, eight hours of outdoor time daily before confining him to a solitary cell at night. This order comes in response to a petition filed by Poonawala, arguing against his continuous solitary confinement under the pretext of security measures. Poonawala’s legal counsel asserted that unlike other inmates who enjoy eight hours of outdoor time, Poonawala is restricted to only one hour each in the morning and evening.
The bench, presided over by Justice Suresh Kumar Kait and also including Justice Girish Kathpalia, acceded to the petitioner’s counsel’s request, mandating the jail authorities to allow Poonawala the same outdoor privileges as other prisoners during the day while ensuring his confinement to a solitary cell at night.
The jail authorities’ counsel justified Poonawala’s segregation from other inmates citing a perceived threat to his safety. It was highlighted that earlier, a trial court had issued directives to ensure Poonawala’s security following an attack on him during his transfer to the Forensic Science Laboratory in Rohini.
Poonawala’s legal representative contended that despite not committing any jail offenses, his client endures complete isolation within the prison walls, devoid of any human interaction.
Poonawala stands accused of the heinous crime of strangling his live-in partner, Shraddha Walker, and dismembering her body in Delhi’s Mehrauli on May 18, 2022. Allegedly, he concealed Walker’s body parts in a refrigerator and scattered them across various locations in the national capital over subsequent days to evade detection.
The Delhi Police submitted a voluminous 6,629-page chargesheet in the case on January 24, 2023. Subsequently, a trial court in Delhi framed charges of murder and tampering with evidence against Poonawala.