In a disturbing incident in Bengaluru, a shopkeeper faced brutal assault by a group of men for playing a Hanuman bhajan during the time of azaan. The incident, which occurred in the city’s Siddanna Layout area on Sunday, sparked outrage among the Hindu community, leading to widespread protests in Karnataka.
According to reports, the shopkeeper recounted the harrowing experience to the media, stating that he was playing the Hanuman bhajan when a group of individuals approached him, insisting it was time for azaan. Despite his explanation, they threatened and attacked him, even brandishing a knife.
Video of Assualt:
A Hindu Man Was Attack by Violent Muslim Mob in his Shop for Playing Hanuman Chalisa in Bengaluru.
— Kartik (Modi ka Parivaar) 😼🇮🇳🚩 (@_Muffin_Men) March 18, 2024
The assault, captured in a video circulating on social media, depicts the men confronting the shopkeeper, escalating into a physical altercation. The shopkeeper defended himself, but the situation turned violent as the assailants relentlessly beat and kicked him, leaving him bloodied and injured.
Following the incident, an FIR was lodged against the accused, identified as Suleman, Shahnawaz, Rohith, Dyanish, and Taruna. While three of them have been arrested, including two Muslims and one Hindu, the search for the remaining suspects is ongoing.
In response to the assault, the Hindu community in Karnataka has rallied together in support of the shopkeeper, demanding justice for the heinous attack. The protesters have called for swift action against the perpetrators and stringent measures to prevent such incidents in the future.
Video of Protest:
It gives me hope to such Hindu unity. After the attack on Hindu shopkeeper by Muslim mob for playing Hanuman Chalisa in his shop, Hindus in Karnataka joined forces in support of the victim.
Well done Hindus!🙏❤️
— Janmajit (@IamUrMaven) March 20, 2024
Amidst the uproar, the Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Central clarified that the motive behind the assault is under investigation, emphasizing that there was no mention of Hanuman Chalisa being played in the complaint. He further revealed that the group involved in the attack comprised individuals from both Hindu and Muslim communities.
As tensions escalate and calls for justice intensify, the authorities are under pressure to ensure the safety and security of citizens regardless of their religious beliefs. The incident has reignited discussions on religious tolerance and the need for communal harmony in society.